A Reading from Wisdom Literature

A reading from Wisdom Literature
By Most Rev Dianne Sullivan

What does it mean to surrender your life?

You enter death? You die?

What does it mean to surrender while we are living?

We learn there is a force that pulls us away from our best interest.
We learn there is a force that pulls us away from God.

There is nothing as dark as the total darkness.

Some call this “ego” or pride. It is a real thing that exists in each of us. It is that force that refuses to surrender.

When we surrender we give up this ego; the pride, the position, the sense of importance, everything that flatters, everything that appears to make of us more than who we are.

When we surrender our life we give ourselves over for something that is more; we give our time, our love, our goodwill, our energy and our lives.

When we surrender we follow the lead of Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Mohammad, Dorothy Day,
Rosa Parks, Queen Esther from Hebrew scripture, Joan of Arc, St. Theresa of Calcutta, Gandhi and more.

To surrender is to find ourselves and help mend this world. We cannot be of service and not touch the beauty of vulnerability and follow the one who sent us.

A reading from Wisdom Literature
R: Thanks be to God

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