Trusting in God

Rev Jean Gilberte, Deacon

Jesus truly trusted God’s will. John speaks of the many close friends and family members of Jesus; Mary, Martha and Lazarus were his closest friends. Jesus knew his ability to heal but when he heard that Lazarus, whom he loved dearly, was deathly sick, he didn’t just leave right away but continued his work where he was. Jesus always listened to the guidance from God before doing anything. He was not guided, at the time, to go immediately even though he so loved Lazarus. Jesus trusted God and knew it would be all right.

When Jesus arrived home, Martha met him and was angry. She was angry with him for not arriving sooner. Jesus did not let his ego take in the anger. In his wisdom, he knew the depth of her sorrow and he consoled her.

One thing that Jesus said that I love and will try to remember on my daily journey is: “Those who are alive and believe in me will never die.” I understand this to mean that our spirit will not die during times of difficulty. Trusting in God and Jesus will make the difficulties doable. All I have to do is to trust but I have to say that it is not always easy to do. Don’t you agree?

Without God, we would go into fear and fear clouds our thinking. We are then unable to process things because our minds get muddled which might lead us to take the wrong direction and do what is not in our best interest.

Jesus trusted God fully. He knew deep down that if it was God’s will for Lazarus to live, it would be done. He had no doubt. Before he even asked God to bring Lazarus to life, Jesus gave thanks to God for listening and being with him. Jesus is giving us this example to show us how to ask God to help in our times of need. We are to make it simple. God hears us.

God says: “I am always with thee, my children.” “I love thee no matter what has happened. Every smile you give, every little deed you do (no matter how small) I am grateful to thee.” “I love you all. You are My Precious Children.

Do not fear for I am with thee always. Ask Me anything, give Me your worries, I hear your heart’s desires. If you think you are not worthy, please forgive yourselves as I love thee and see the beauty of who you really are. Remember that I am always with thee.”

God does not desert us, we might forget God’s presence at our most difficult moments but we are to remember that God never, never leaves us.

God had Jesus wait days before leaving to see Lazarus. Through Jesus, God showed everyone present that day and even today 2000 years later, that God’s presence is always here in our hearts to help and guide us. Whether we believe it or not, it is the truth.

Jesus is our greatest teacher. He taught us how to trust; to look at someone’s soul and not just concentrate on the anger that person might be throwing at us. This is our life work and it is work but with God in us, all is possible. Three simple words, “Trust In God” I hope you take it with you when you leave this room today because it is the truth.

I love you all. God bless.

Don’t be afraid

Rev Jean Gilberte, Deacon

How scared the apostles and the followers of Jesus must have been after they witnessed the crucifixion of Jesus. We are told they had gone to a room and locked the door. There must have been so much fear that went through them while in that room. Then, without any doors opening, they saw Jesus in the room. Jesus, who could feel their fears said to them, “Peace be with you and then breathes on them saying, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” Don’t we wish that Jesus could be here with us in earthly body and say those words to us?

Life can be great but there are times when life is not so easy. Often when life does get tough, maybe from the loss of a loved one or things happen that might fill us with anger or we might be afraid. In those trying times, we might do what the apostles did in that room and that is to lock the door. But the door that we lock is the door to our heart. When that happens, love can’t get in. Without feeling love, we can then go into despair.

Jesus wants us to know that he comes into the locked places in our everyday life. Jesus stands among us even if we don’t see him.

Jesus comes by our side and whispers, “Peace, for you are loved.” Maybe some of us are just like Thomas and want to feel the wounds before we believe. I tell you, Jesus is here with us and I know that, without Jesus to help me through some tough times, I would not be here today. He gave me the strength to go on when I thought I had no more strength. I have learned to ask Jesus to help whenever I need support and support is given. I am so very grateful every day and I voice that gratitude on a daily basis.

Jesus said to Thomas, “Do not persist in your unbelief, but believe! You have become a believer because you saw me. Blessed are they who have not seen and have believed.” Every time we ask Jesus to help us, we are saying to Jesus and God that we do believe. We are all here today because we believe without seeing. Because of our belief, we are to always remember to ask Jesus to help us feel the peace that he always talked about. Jesus went through so much suffering, and as he did, he showed us the importance of asking God for strength and strength was given to him. Jesus knew this was part of his journey in this worldly life. His journey to teach the world forever about God’s unconditional love for all of us— from the beginning of time. Jesus always trusted God to

be with him no matter what. Jesus always gave prayers of gratitude. He taught us by example. To be kind to others, to forgive ourselves so we can forgive others, to love ourselves so we can love others, to trust God to be with us always and how to say thank you. When we fully trust God, fear will slowly leave our lives. We will then be able to live in peace.

Jesus is saying to all of us today, “Peace be with you. As God sent me, so I am sending you.” “Receive the Holy Spirit” and hopefully we will say to him, “I believe without seeing. Thank you Jesus for teaching us how to trust without seeing.” Can we all give Jesus a big THANK YOU right now. Let’s say it all together. THANK YOU, JESUS.

May the Peace of God be always with all of you.

We are all connected…

Rev Jean Gilberte, Deacon

Jesus said to his disciples, “If you love me and obey the command I give you… “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”

When Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta was still alive, she took care of the poorest of the poor. Someone once asked her how they could prepare to do the work that she did. Mother Teresa said to first start with your immediate family, and when that is well, you can go to your next door neighbor if help is needed. Once all is well, you help someone in your town and when that is well you can expand and go further. She always thanked God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for giving her the strength every day to bring peace to the people in Calcutta.

Jesus said, “I will ask the One who sent me to give you another Paraclete to be with you always.” Paraclete means “advocate.” Jesus said, “another advocate” would be sent to us. This would indicate that Jesus is an advocate for us. He did not just give us the Holy Spirit as an advocate or helper but himself also. Of course, God is always with us.

Think about all the help we have every day of our lives. So often I hear people say they have no one, that they are all alone. Jesus wants you and everyone to know that we are NEVER alone. The Holy Spirit is always with us to help guide us on our journey in this life. Remember, Jesus said, “I will not leave you orphaned.” When times are hard; when we might feel so much pain or so much sadness, remember to ask for guidance to give you strength for they will be there supporting you.

There had been a lot of traumatic events that happened to me as a child, as a young teenager, and as a married women of 37 years. This week someone asked how was I able to survive all that happened? I answered this person that from the time I can remember, around three years old, I knew God and our Blessed Lady (Jesus’ mom, Mary.) As little as I was, I always prayed (I would now call it talking) to them to help me through what was happening as I lived in fear.

I would not be here today if I had not believed in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit when I was married. Life was difficult but I always received strength to overcome the trauma when I asked. The help I received was strength to keep going, to keep my spirit up for my three children. I knew I was loved because I could feel it in my heart and in my soul. God was present; Jesus was present; the Holy Spirit was present; and so was Mary always present to help me.

Jesus said that he will love us and reveal himself to us. Faith can be a difficult concept. Jesus is with every single one of you. Some of you might want to say that because you don’t feel him or the Holy Spirit, that they are not around. Just know that is not so.

I am now a retired Massage Therapist but I still see, to this day, people who are sick emotionally or physically and I practice Reiki (energy healing.) My business is in my home and I have a room that is set apart from the rest of the house and it has such a peaceful feel to the space. I have had quite a few clients who came and as they relaxed they would look at me in utter surprise and say that Jesus was in the room with us. I would just say that He is always in the room while I work.

They would keep on saying, “NO, NO, I really see Him.” All I could do at the time was just smile. I use to say, “I wish I could see Jesus like some others do.” But today, I am happy just knowing that He really is with me as He is with you. Some say that Jesus would not want to be around them because of the terrible things they did in the past. I know that the Holy Spirit and Jesus is always around us to give us the strength to forgive ourselves. God loves us and does not judge; we tend to judge ourselves not God. That is why we are given the Holy Spirit to give us the strength so we can live with a peaceful heart.

When we have peace in our hearts, it makes it so much easier to know that Jesus is around because Jesus is peace. That peace will follow you and people will feel it around you helping them to also feel the peace. Wouldn’t it be awesome to have that peace vibrate from you and spread throughout the world.

We are to remember what Jesus said, “I am in God, and you in me and I in you.” He is telling us that we are all one. We are all connected. God loves you, I love you all and peace be with all of you.


Rev Jean Gilberte, Deacon

In the parable of the land owner who paid the same wages for someone who worked probably 12 hours and the other only 1 hour. I use to think how unfair that was. But the land owner thought it to be totally fair especially when every worker had agreed to work for the wages that was told to them. Jealousy set in, didn’t it? Then the person who worked more hours for the same pay started to feel that he was cheated out of more money.

Jesus would tell us that circumstances are not always fair, life is not always fair. Who decides if something is fair or not? Is it our neighbor, is it us, is it God? So who makes that decision? How do we live in a world that seems not always fair? If Jesus came today, he would advise us to love ourselves and by doing that, we would find justice and fairness and be treated well. For if we deny ourselves self-love, others will not treat us fairly because we do not treat ourselves with fairness. Jesus spent his life teaching everyone self-love for that was how he lived. By loving who he was while on earth, he was able to love all. Jesus lived by example. He would ask us how do we see ourselves? Is it with love and tenderness or with harshness and not thinking we are deserving. If we do not see ourselves as deserving then injustice will come our way.

We are told to honor ourselves as God honors us and to care for ourselves. If we can do that, then we won’t care what people say or do. If we don’t care about ourselves, we might find ourselves to be in a state of anger, or lack understanding. We might be living a life of

sadness, unhappiness. But if we treat ourselves well, we will reap all the just rewards. Can you imagine a world where everyone loved themselves and wanted the same for all. It would be a world filled with peace.

Jesus came to let all people know that God loves us, hears our cries for help. Jesus would say that God’s world is just. Make choices; make positive choices with God in our heart and soul. That is where the help comes from. Jesus again would say, “change our attitude’ and see all the miracles that’ll come forth because of that change.

At the end of Jesus’ parable, it said “the last will be first and the first will be last”

I will explain it this way as it was explained to me:
There was a man huddled in a corner and there were other people all around him. He is first in line to get food but because he didn’t feel he deserved the food (sounds as if he had very low self-esteem) he hid in a corner letting everyone go before him. Because of the lack of self-love, he did get to the place early but ended up eating last. He placed himself last God did not do that nor anyone else. We are all deserving of first place as we are all first in the eyes of God.

God’s message; Jesus’ message is always the same, for over 2000 years and for the next 2000 years, “love ourselves as God loves us.” Then, peace will exist throughout the world. How beautiful will that be.

God bless all of you.

God is with us!

Rev Kathy Christianson, Deacon

As a result of my formal religious education as a young person, I used to believe that God lived up there (pointing finger upward). I envisioned this large man sitting on a big thrown which rested on a lot of clouds – big, fluffy clouds. When he spoke, it was in this loud, deep voice. When he spoke, it was to inform me what I did right and what I did wrong. But I must have been doing good because I was with HIM! There was a whole bunch of angels – some flying and some sitting near God. I envisioned that there was music continuously playing. It was a warm place, filled with love and free of any type of frustration or hate. And this was God’s kingdom. It was called heaven.

On this wonderful spiritual journey I am on, I have come to believe that God is not far away, way up in the clouds – separate from me, watching me, judging me. I began to believe and trust that God lives here (pointing to self) – part of my soul, part of my Spirit. So, not only was I not separate from God, I wasn’t separate from each of you, or the stranger on the street or my friend in California. I began to understand that the kingdom of God resides with each of us. When I began to understand that all of us were truly made in the image and likeness of God, well then it only made sense that we all had to be connected because this one God was in all of us. I believe God lives here (pointing to self). God is not separate. God is not at a distance. God is right here. We all live in God’s kingdom.

There is a statement in our liturgy, during the consecration of the water and wine where we ask God to help us “manifest the divinity of our humanity as does Jesus”. In other words, may we recognize and act on that which God asks of us – to trust that He is with us – always. God loves us and will take care of us. There is divinity in this kingdom within us. And Jesus showed us how to love God, to love ourselves and to love one another.

In today’s Gospel, the first parable (Jesus loved to speak in parables) says that “the kingdom of God is like treasure hidden in a field which someone found and hid; then in his (or her) joy he goes and sells all the he has and buys that field.” I would like to offer that the field that Jesus is referring to is us. That we have a treasure within us that remains hidden, unknown to us until we come to believe in the “divinity of our humanity”. Then in the joy of realizing that God was never really far away, God resided in us the whole time, we know we have the power to be divine, to be that close to God, that we give up all old beliefs and our old ways that separated us from God and we buy into the fact that the kingdom of God is ours for the asking when we act out the “divinity of our humanity”.

It is the same thing with the merchant in the second parable who searches for the finest pearls. But in finding just one pearl of great value, the merchant realizes what he has and he sells everything to acquire it and keep it. I hear the message again, that we can have and live in the kingdom of heaven right here, right now, if we don’t put great emphasis on our material possessions, or money or status or power and just pay constant attention to God who lives in each of us.

In the third parable, I believe that the message is that we have to look inside of ourselves and work hard to see ourselves as God sees us – as images of Himself in all his goodness and greatness. We should look within ourselves and distinguish the “bad fish” from the “good fish”. In other words, start changing those aspects of ourselves that are not God-like and capitalize on our good qualities to bring joy to ourselves and others.

In the final passage in this gospel Jesus says, “Therefore every scribe who has trained for the kingdom of heaven is like the master of a household who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.” I feel that Jesus was saying that we all have the ability and the choice to tap into this kingdom of heaven which resides in each of us. Our own kingdoms consist of the wisdom that we have accumulated over the years as our hearts grow in love, understanding and compassion. We are also given the opportunity to gain new insights, new awareness’s of how we can be closer to God.

As Jean spoke the words of God in her homily last week, our lives will be joyful and fulfilling if we just remember that God is with us – always. You are never alone in this journey for God and the kingdom of heaven is with you always. He is but a heartbeat away.

Where do you pitch your tent?

Most Rev. Dianne Sullivan

The Transfiguration

The event of the the Transfiguration is found in all three gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke. It is an extraordinary event. Jesus allowed Peter, John and James to have the privilege of accompanying him up the mountain; some say Mount Tabor, south of Galilee; others say Mount Hermon north of Caesarea Philippi where he had been ministering.

Some scholars have said this spiritual experience was meant to strengthen the faith of the disciples for the challenges they would later endure. Perhaps it was meant to strengthen Jesus as well for what was to come. Here Jesus is in the company of Moses who represents the Law and Jesus the fulfillment of the law; and Elijah the prophet as was Jesus.

It was a gracious gesture on the part of Jesus to bring his inner circle of disciples. But it was only a temporary event. It was not meant to be permanent.

In the same way, at certain times in our life, God may give us a special experience of grace that strengthens our faith, lifts us and transforms us.

And so often just like Peter, we too would like to pitch our tent in that place of grace and stay forever, and just listen, mamela. Or to forever contemplate this vision. But like Peter we are told that it is not possible, not yet.

“Transfigured.” The Greek term is well-known in English; from metamorphoo (pronounced meta-mor-phaw-o) we get our word “metamorphasis.” The word describes the complete change of the form and substance. For example, we use it to describe the change from a caterpillar to a butterfly. Here then we have a complete change in the appearance or form of Jesus in the presence of the disciples. He now was brighter than the light, revealing His true glory to them.

In our first reading there is a transformation that takes place in what appears to be a vision, a vision of people of the earth coming together through love. It is the face of love that changes us. Hope can lift us. Justice issues can mobilize us. Grief can crack open our hearts. But only love can truly change us. And love has many faces.

Dr. Larry Michaelis, 73 and his daughter Dr. Laura Michaelis 47 are in a conversation with one another.
Laura says of her father, “ I learned a lot more about you by becoming a physician. By walking in your footsteps I have learned how much you have loved your patients and how much you care. You have given a lot and I know it has hurt.”
Laura’s father Dr. Larry says, “We are many generations of healers with heart. It’s in your blood to care. “

There’s the story of Angelo and Eddie sanitation workers who took pride in their work. They used work as a way not only clean up their city but to watch over their neighborhoods, clean up relationships, give of themselves, keep watch over their people. They saw their work as a way to make way for life to go on in their streets, for things to happen. Their pride for their work contained love of order, love of relationships, love of helping others,
love of beauty.

Some years ago…”You are my treasure.”

There is something that runs quite deep in us all that enables us to be “transformed” by love, by grace by the power of a word, a vision, or an event.

Our hope is that each week you too are renewed and transformed. And even if there is nothing of this service you remember that is fine. What touches you and causes you to love more deeply or quickly is most important.

If your humanity is lifted or if you feel yourself to be softer and more open then the transfiguration has graced you. Perhaps you too will hear God say, “You are my beloved and I am well pleased with you.”

And if you desire to pitch your tent in this place, we

Healing Prayers

Prayers of the People

We come to God with hope and confidence knowing we are all part of a glorious symphony.
We seek guidance, especially in matters of love.
Our response, “God of love hear our prayer.”

God of Love we celebrate with care and respect all your people, all traditions, all races all sentient beings. Teach us to be present.
We pray:
“God of love hear our prayer.”

God of Kindness may leaders of church and state follow your way of kindness and justice for the good of all. We all matter.
We pray:
“God of love hear our prayer.”

God of Compassion may our church thrive and grow in openness, acceptance and good will towards all.
We pray:
“God of love hear our prayer.”

God of Life protect and raise up all who suffer because of the effects of the hurricanes, earthquakes and climate change.
We pray:
“God of love hear our prayer.”

God of Awareness we pray for all those who suffer mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
We pray:
“God of love hear our prayer.”

We are grateful. May we follow the path of love and forgiveness.

You Will be Found

A reading from Wisdom Literature
From the Broadway play, “Dear Evan Hansen”

Have you ever felt like nobody was there?
Have you ever felt forgotten in the middle of nowhere?
Have you ever felt like you could disappear?
Like you could fall, and no one would hear?

But see, see the thing is, when I looked up and my friend was there

That was the gift she gave me, to show me that I wasn’t alone
To show me that I mattered Everybody matters.

That’s the gift

Well, let that lonely feeling wash away
Maybe there’s a reason to believe you’ll be okay
‘Cause when you don’t feel strong enough to stand

You can reach, reach out your hand

And someone will coming running
And I know, they’ll take you home

Even when the dark comes crashing through

When you need a friend to carry you

And when you’re broken on the ground

You will be found

So let the sun come streaming in
‘Cause you’ll reach up and you’ll rise again
Lift your head and look around-You will be found!

Even when the dark comes crashing through

When you need a friend to carry you

And when you’re broken on the ground

You will be found

We move God and God moves us!

Most Rev. Dianne Sullivan
September 17, 2017

Forgiveness: Difficult for most but essential for each.
Jesus says to Peter, “I say to you, not seven times but seventy-seven times.
Forgiveness of oneself and forgiveness of others is essential to our soul, our spirit, our mental, emotional and physical health, yet oh so difficult.
When we don’t forgive or we can’t forgive it is as if we are carrying around a sack of rocks in our heart. The sack gets heavier with time and it becomes more difficult for forgiveness to become our reality.

In the story in the gospel of Matthew, Jesus compares God to the King, who cleverly asks of his servant to be accountable. We ask the same of ourselves, to be accountable, to take responsibility for our actions, for how we have loved, for our sense of mercy and forgiveness. The servant is frightened because he knows the King’s power and he pleads his case to the king. The king is moved and effected by this man and his plight.

I am taken by this. What this speaks of is that we effect God. Our pleas, our prayers, our aspirations, our dreams, our concerns, effect God.

We move God. That touches me deeply.

The King forgives the entire debt. My sense is that Jesus was speaking of the enormous gracious forgiving nature of God;
that God is magnanimous, neither narrow nor stingy;
that God is wide and abundant in every conceivable and inconceivable manner.
God is glorious!
As Julian of Norwich, the English mystic speaks of “All will be well, in every manner of good, all will be well.”

It follows that we are to be as wide in forgiveness and love as the King. Jesus speaks frequently of the necessity to love one another.
He speaks of love with authority, as if every fiber of his being,
his DNA is made of love. He says, “Please love one another, just as I have loved you.”
Without love we cannot thrive.

Study of infants in World War II, clustered around the nurses station

When we forgive the act of love is our currency.

In June of 2015 a horrendous shooting of nine innocent people took place in Charleston, South Carolina at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. This was a tragedy that was unspeakable.

What I remember distinctly was the heartfelt sentiments of profound forgiveness from family members.

I watched and listened with astonishment as family members overcome with grief forgave this young man.

It was as if each instinctively understood that without forgiveness their grief would be locked in their soul.

Only God’s unconditional love pouring through each individual can account for such active and dynamic love.

Back to our gospel, when the others who served the king witnessed the one individual who could not or would not forgive the debt of the other, they understood this wrong-doing. So as a group they acted. They too had power to report what they witnessed, just as we do. We all have the power to stand up, reach out and declare injustice when we see it.

The story of Mrs. Rosa Parks is the story of woman, along with countless others who stood up to segregation in Montgomery Alabama. The truth is she had been activist for years, along with countless others. Everyone had a hand in reversing the segregation of the south, everyone leads

Each one us can feel like we don’t count or matter, lethargic and aimless. But like our first reading we have a place, if when we reach out, there is someone there, we will be found. There is every reason to believe that we will be ok. We are not alone. Loneliness can be corrosive, but oh so human. Darkness can blind us but always we will be found…That is our greatest responsibility as human beings to find one another; to bring comfort, joy, relief, hope, to forgive, to easy one another troubles and to lead with love.

We are like a symphony; each one of us has a melody, a piece to play and it’s glorious!

Breaking Free

Rev Kathy Christianson, Deacon
September 10, 2017

During our time on this earth, one of the biggest challenges and it can also be our greatest reward is our relationships with people. These people could be our family, our friends, co-workers, acquaintances or neighbors. Some of these people we may be with often and some only see occasionally.

As life happens, the chances are great that difficulties could arise in any one of these relationships, maybe based on misunderstandings, expectations not met, envy, personality clashes. It could be for a lot of reasons.

In Matthew today, I believe the message from Jesus was that when these situations arise that we should not let the situation stew within us. That we should seek out the person in order to make amends or to reestablish a connection.

I have a friend whose mother is a very angry woman. The Mom’s anger manifests in her harsh words, the hurtful and not true gossip that she spreads about every family member, and the exclusion of her children at various times. No one knows the cause of her anger. Each family member suffers greatly because of this anger from their mother. And the one who suffers the most, although she may not realize it, is the very angry mom.

One of the daughters, my friend Marion, has tried on several occasions to talk with her mother about the way her mother treats her. She has asked her mother why this occurs. She has explained how it makes her feel. She has asked her mother to please stop. I think this is an example of what Jesus was saying. My friend didn’t let the hurt just stay inside her. She made several attempts to reconcile with her mother – to form a connection, to have a relationship.

The mother has not been able to see the consequences of her actions, therefore she has not made any changes in the relationships with her children. When I was thinking of this Mom (and I said a prayer for her), it reminded me of a pumpkin at the end of the Fall season. The outside of the pumpkin may be hard and look well formed, but the inside has become mushy, maybe developed mold that has started to make its way through the hard outer shell from the inside. I imagine that that’s what our inside might look like if we hang on forever to hurts and pent up anger. And then if feelings are not shared and there has been no opportunity to work things out, ultimately the daughter could become just like the mother.

But Marion has done what Jesus was asking us to do in his words in this gospel. Jesus was asking us to try and keep trying to create a positive connection with the person who has caused you pain. The connection may not even be a full, blown loving relationship. As in the case of my friend Marion, it might just have to be a connection based on love. Marion has found a way to love her mother but be very watchful of her mother’s words and actions. Marion does not allow herself to be the target of her mother’s anger. She lovingly leaves the room or when her mother is in the middle of a tirade, tells her with grace, “I’m hanging up now. I love you, Mom”.

We can see in Marion’s story who is “bound” and who is “loosed”. Keeping anger, hurt, or frustration inside of us without attempts to make amends will bind us to a loveless relationship. In being bound to the anger, a person will take it wherever they go and it could impact all of their relationships. Carrying this kind of anger and hurt perpetuates a darkness that prevails in every interaction. It most likely will lead to a life of sadness, misery and possibly being alone.

But if we choose to break free of the anger, hurt or frustration, we are loosed. In other words, we are free to love ourselves and others. We see lightness and we are able to experience love, happiness and joy. There is no darkness – only light. We are free.

In this same chapter of Matthew, it is also written:
Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”
Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.[a]
In the forgiving and letting go lies one of life’s greatest rewards – peace.